The way we record history is always a reflection of power. So how do we tell history of the powerless? History that has never been written down?

Die Näherinnen is an experimental game about reconstructing unrecorded history.

Play one day in the life of a German seamstress in the late 19th century. Operate a real vintage sewing machine while you talk, argue and sing with your fellow working women. But don’t forget to work!

The Experience

photo of a woman playing the game

Even without history books, we still have memories, stories, places, and objects recollecting the past. In this way, history becomes a creative endeavour.

The game generates new stories by combining different narrative modules every playthrough, allowing you to put together your own interpretation of a working class woman’s life. Each game run ends with the display of a digital fabric influenced by your gameplay.

How do the seamstresses leave their mark?

The Developers

A group photo of the four developers standing next to each other in front of a graffiti wall
A photo of the four developers grouped around the sowing machine controller prototype in different silly poses

Our team: Pia, Lina, Lara, Marni and Tabea.

We are an all-women dev team from Cologne who have joined forces to tell the stories we want to play!

We are also students at the Cologne Game Lab, where Die Näherinnen was first created.

© Die Näherinnen Game 2023